
Traditional Music Forum – The Traditional Music Forum, which runs the World’s Room, is a network of over 100 traditional music-connected organisations across Scotland, and part of TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland).

An Góilín – Weekly singing Club in Dublin – see website for guests and other details.

FifeSing – Annual traditional singing weekend held in Falkland, Fife in May. Mainly guests with opportunities for singing; workshops and talks.

Frank Harte Festival in Dublin – singing festival held by An Góilín every September; guests with plenty of opportunity for singing.

Traditional Singing Weekend at Cullerlie – singing festival every July run by Ian Russell, Cullerlie Farm Park and the Elphinstone Institute; mainly guests with some opportunities for singing; workshops; other traditional arts.

There are several other annual festivals or singing weekends throughout England and Ireland, not all of which have websites or are otherwise publicised.

The Traditional Music and Song Association of Scotland and the English Folk Dance and Song Society both publish lists of festivals and singing weekends that you might be interested in.

Greig-Duncan Songs – a page of links to videos of some of our past guests and others singing Greig-Duncan versions of ballads and songs.

Child Ballad Database – a comprehensive list of recordings of Child ballads.

Mudcat – Recommended for its vast database of songs mainly covering North America, the UK and Ireland. The forum is not wildly helpful any more but it’s worth searching it for help with songs and information about them.